Firstly, thanks very much for taking a look at my website I hope you enjoyed some of the vlogs or blogs I have posted.
I put this site together initially for no other motivation than a hobby and to allow me to put my observations from living and working in Thailand into a blog or vlog.
I also wanted to test first hand the power of vlogging. The growth has been real learning for me in regards to how modern media is evolving – and as a result, I have added more features to this site, such as becoming an aggregator for currently 17 other vloggers in Thailand.
This site is a sideline to my everyday job in Thailand. I really enjoy covering my travels or debating a topic that is associated with living in Thailand.
More recently I have moved Dan about Thailand into the Choice Group Asia Media Group portfolio and now have plans to turn what was once a casual hobby into something very special in the market place.
An aggregator site for other Thai based vloggers
Dan about Thailand also shares the very best vlogs from other vloggers living in Thailand, making it a go-to site for anyone interested in watching vloggers in Thailand in one handy location. 17 Vloggers have already joined up and if you are a vlogger in Thailand and would like to be considered please contact me via this website.
Always Looking for Great Content on all things Thailand!
If you have an idea for subject matter do drop me a note via the contact me button on this site.
Get Your Business Involved with Dan about Thailand
Blogging and Vlogging is trusted by its followers, and rightfully so. It is a more pure and real way to find out about local businesses, which means businesses get better responses than traditional media platforms. If you want to find out about just how Dan about Thailand can help click here for all the stats you need to know and ideas for working together.
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