When it comes to Thai massages I consider myself somewhat of an expert, as after 12 years in Thailand I have experienced countless. You get the bad ones where you wonder even if the masseur has ever been trained in their life and then you get some great ones where they really seem to know what they are doing. They all seem to have the same routine and moves though and so I guessed that was the protocol.

Well indeed it is for around 95% of Thai massages, but what I learned today is that does not mean they are the best. My views on Thai massages have all changed after my trip to Pratchapat massage in Hua Hin as this was like nothing I had experienced before – in a somewhat painful but altogether amazing 90 minutes.

A Thai massage that put all other Thai massages to shame

This was all about targeting my lymph system and tendons and as they explained although my back was tight it was the sum total of issues I had in other areas of my body. Ok, this may sound like poppycock, but the results are in the pudding and I felt like a changed man after only one session. My back and neck muscles were subtle and relaxed, I felt wonderful.


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