I never realised when I started Dan about Thailand a good few years ago now the amount of work needed to service it. I mean it was intended partially as both a hobby and a test bed to understand the role vlogging should play in modern media.

What I have learned is the difference between Dan about Thailand and my other more traditional online media is that I really need to put myself out there. I have a far more intimate relationship with readers than the faceless other platforms I have. I even recognise faces and names of people that follow my Facebook page. If you asked me I could even tell you where many lived and their relationship statuses!

But it is hard work and needs my continous attention – I am, after all, only as good as my last vlog or blog post and I would hate to publish items that I felt were lacking in anyway. It has become somewhat of an obsession of mine. This is why I am often up at 6am to start my working day in order to squeeze everything in!

My recent meeting with Thailands Authority of Tourism

My recent meeting with Thailand’s Authority of Tourism

I am, however, committed to continually improving the content and so am delighted that I have become an official social media (‘influencer’) partner for Thailand’s Authority of Tourism (TAT). What this means is that from time to time I will travel with the TAT team to more remote areas of Thailand to vlog and report on. It means I can deliver even better content for those that read and watch my content.

I am feel excited and privileged to have been chosen to represent Thailand to share the different regions and things to do that others may not know exist across my various Dan about Thailand platforms.

It looks like my 6am starts may just have to become 5am – but I wouldn’t have it any other way!


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