I was completely unaware this island even existed until I visited Koh Tao just recently. It is actually privately owned and you must pay 100 baht to gain access, but don’t let that put you off.

You don’t need much more than 2 to 3 hours on the island in my opinion, firstly to take the hike to the view point and secondly to enjoy the beach.

It was a real shame to see that any coral that may once have been is all but destroyed and strangely the sandy beach you see from the video is made up more of broken coral. The island has fallen victim to mass tourism, with – in my opinion – far too many people visiting it each day for what is just a tiny island.

Nangyuan island is located just off the beautiful Koh Tao which is one of the most beautiful islands you can ever visit in Thailand, do check out my vlog.


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