Now I am a Brit and the days of superstition from walking under a ladder to a black cat running in front of you feel like a fading legacy to British beliefs. There is not much these days that rattle a Brits belief system, the country has been largely secular for well over a decade now.
So for me when I see a superstition it is odd, a nonsensical that really does not reflect a modern world we now live in. Having lived in Thailand for some time I am surrounded by superstitious beliefs from the locals, and then the Russians came – in fact, I am now married to a Russian – and they are just as superstitious. In fact, believe it or not, the Thais an Russians have uncanny similarities – but I will save that for another bog. Then the Chinese arrived in their thousands and thousands, and that to me completed the trio of some of the most superstitious nationalities I have ever met.
Now I am quite sure I have only just scrapped the surface here, so if you know anymore superstition from any of these nationalities please do add you comments below.
My humble opinion
You may find it quite sweet and charming that people still have unquestionable faith in such peculiar beliefs, but – and I say this with the greatest respect – it does seem a little careless. If we are to move forward as a species we must stop holding on to such things. Superstition is hardly a foundation in which to improve and become better, don’t you think?
I guess I need to put a footnote in to my conclusion so as defend my views. I am not one to judge others – I am a just one person – but I am passionate about humanity improving and ensuring we can all live in greater harmony. When a body of people all buy into a superstition – which is absolutely untrue – it does not feel me with confidence. It shows just how easily we can be cloned by our immediate environment. Unquestionable faith in something can be dangerous.
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