There are no short cuts or magic wands to give you the life you dream of, but it is achievable if you work for it. It is not cheap to live as a family in Thailand if you want certain privileges and don’t want to compromise your children’s education or health care.

When I present some vlogs I notice a few viewers comment that I am bragging about my life, and that could not be further from the truth.  I am just living my life and sharing it in the capacity as a vlogger. Yes, I appreciate my life here in Thailand – absolutely – but I have worked hard to sustain it and be able to plan for retirement too. I am always too busy worrying and planning to keep financially evolving and being able to look after my family to have time to brag.

Anyway, here are some pointers on what I think is needed to have a good family, working expat life in Thailand.


Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up

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