I have been horrified and disgusted at some of the scenes captured on video and doing the rounds on the social networks of fans celebrating in England during this years World Cup. Hooligans jumping on cars, buses, climbing up traffic lights and blatantly doing drugs, English fans fighting among each other in beer gardens and then fans jumping all over furniture in IKEA after beating Sweden. This behaviour is absolutely unacceptable and the police should have been all over this in arresting the culprits.

Watching England – Pattaya Vs. England comparison

By contrast, and after all the scaremongering by the UK press, look at how jovial and peaceful the World Cup celebrations have been over in Russia. Once again it is a case of shame on England. The English team have been heroes and deserve their semi final place, but some of the fans back in England have crossed the line.

As an English man I am left scratching my head as to just what is going on in my home land. I look at the mess of Brexit, the Tommy Robinson saga and now our yob fan culture and hang my head in shame as to why the country is in such a state. If England win the World Cup it almost feels like, with everything else going on, that we’d head to a celebratory, drink and drug fueled civil war.

By contrast I have been out in the bars of Pattaya rammed with English, and other fans for that matter, and spirits have been high and all with no violence or aggression. What a sorry state of affairs when it is actually safer to watch England play in a foreign country than in back in England.

I spoke to my brother, who lives in Kent in the UK, and asked how he was enjoying the games. He said they were good but the two pubs he had watched the games the fans has started fighting afterwards. I am guessing for some of the fans it was not only alcohol running through their veins but cocaine too.

Here is my drink fueled evening watching England beat Sweden in Pattaya. No fights, no aggression and a lot of fun.


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