It was a tough decision all those years ago to throw my life away as I knew it in the UK and relocate to Thailand, but I needed to make a change. I could not help myself.
The decision was a good one but there were sacrifices and regrets and in this vlog I wanted to cover off the main ones. Most were about what I was to leave behind from the UK.
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Misery loves company. Leaving your country for another is greeted with open hostility in the U.S. from family, friends and acquaintances. I never got any happy for you, positive responses, encouragement from anyone even when using my work vacation time to travel abroad. Here is a minor example. I sent a number of boxes over with clothes, and a few personal items I valued. When I mentioned one may have got lost on the way over, to the gal at the P.O. that was posting them off and on for me, she says in a snoty tone, ‘That’s what you get for leaving America!’
My revenge, once I got settle in abroad, I started taking beautiful photos of all that I was surrounded by daily. Knowing, many of the naysayers, haters were watching my FB page, hoping I failed in my quest, and was absolutely miserable. Just the contrary, after 12yrs in my new location, I couldn’t be happier. Finally real freedom, peace and quiet, no stress. Best decision I ever made. Zero interest in ever returning to AMERICA!