It is very difficult not to be emotive when writing about the invasion of Ukraine, I am sure we all have opinions on this very sad situation. And when we look at Thailand specifically – It is very likely to hit an already flagging tourism industry hard.
For one moment let me put the humanitarian disaster it will cause to one side, as hard as that might be. I would like to focus on the impact it will have on an already devastated tourism industry in Thailand. Just as we thought we were turning a corner with Covid and a subsequent recovery to International visitors to these Thailand shores.
I just cannot see anything positive with the global market being squeezed financially from increasing fuel prices, higher travel costs and still the uncertainly rumbling on from what direction this war will take.
We live in extraordinary tragic times at the moment and I hope for everyones sake around the world, things will soon get better. I just hope they don’t get worse in the meantime.
Just how many hits can tourism and travel take before there is irreversible damage?
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