It seems every man and his dog wants to be a YouTube star these days and many in Thailand go on to build a good following. And who can blame them as it’s often a lot of fun? But many then struggle a bit for a number of reasons from a demoralising, lousy monetisation from YouTube to then lacking creativity for their next vlog. Quickly boredom sets in and with that the consistency to deliver a product their followers expect.
Earlier this year Dan about Thailand was named the #1 Lifestyle blog in Thailand by, polling over 60% of the vote and competing with Thai sites too!
I have developed a different model to others and am both a blogger and vlogger, in fact, there are so many things I have done differently and it has allowed me to retain creativity and grow my platforms.
I have learned so much from this ‘Dan about Thailand’ project that I believe I can add much value to others wanted to do something similar, be that business, independent vloggers – right down to casual hobbyist.
So I have decided to run a seminar sharing my learnings on how you can replicate and learn from my blueprint.
If you are a business this can also be a secret weapon for you in building your business and attracting new customers. Online marketing needs to be more than simple content building and SEO, you should approach it as if you are an actual digital media yourself.
At this stage, I would like to gain interest in this event, prior to confirmation. So, please do register your interest below. If there is enough interest then the plan is as follows:
Venue: Pratuwan Princess Hotel
Date: Thursday 21st November 2019
Time: 10am – 12noon
Ticket Price: 1,500 baht
Coffee and tea will be available in the meeting room
Please Register Your Interest
Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up
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