It has been a week or so since I last wrote my last blog and I have two vlogs still waiting to be edited on my desktop, so what’s been the hold up?

Well the truth is I have never been busier and at least once a week I will find myself doing a 6am commute from Hua Hin to Bangkok, such is the activity within my media group that I am MD for.

Thailand brings out the entrepreneur in me…

But it does not end there. I have found the ability to be entrepreneurial living in Thailand much easier than when I was in the UK. Things are just easier to set up and often without the huge costs. Many of my projects are online and so I don’t need expensive investment such as extra office space or hard assets.

I currently have three additional projects I squeeze into my daily work schedule. Luckily, at the moment, I don’t need to be too hands on as developers are still working on them.

I can actually split them into three brackets when it comes to investment: 1. Fairly expensive 2. Moderately expensive and 3. Relatively cheap.

It is the ‘Relatively Cheap’ one I want to discuss now as I have had a lot of fun conceptualising and then getting this built. And this brings me to the monkey

“If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys” – James Goldsmith

There is something very fun and playful with monkeys and my project is designed to be just that.

Here is how the idea came about. I found myself many evenings, as I was about to sleep, playing with my mobile. It is something we all do too much of – play around with our mobile phone. If I am not looking at Facebook then I am watching something on Netflix or You Tube. Sometimes though I can still get bored but still wanted to do something on mobile phone.

Then it dawned on me. There are thousands and thousands of vloggers producing content on anything you can imagine – there is something to satisfy everyone. You Tube however is not great at picking out purely the vloggers and in fact I find You Tube much more of a search engine like Google than entertainment centre.

This is where Vlog Monkey comes in as it allows you to search only vloggers and by clear categories that may interest you. You can even add the website directly to your home page on your mobile (Just click the prompt at the bottom of the screen when it appears).

On top of that you can even register on the page – for FREE – so that you can new features unlocked, such as ‘watch later’ and ‘subscribe to certain channels’. All just little things that make the experience that little bit more pleasurable.

I think it has potential, but as with all business everything requires hard work and an adaptable mindset to try and get it growing.

Living in Thailand is certainly amazing and projects like this just make my smile that little bit wider.


Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up

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