TAT/Thaivisa’s Expat Explore and Inspire Thailand join forces

As local tourism suffers, its recovery is being helped by the unlikely heroes of the local expat community.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand joined forces with Thaivisa at the start of June to launch ‘Expat Explore’ designed to encourage expat travel in Thailand with low priced offers. The response from both the travel industry and the expat community has been overwhelming.

Eddie Somers from 15 Palms Resort in Koh Chang was one of the first resorts to promote on Expat Explore. “We certainly had a response as soon as we promoted our room promotion on Expat Explore”.

Likewise the Ramada Plaza Menam Hotel in Bangkok instantly had a response too – with their promotional video getting over 4,500 views in the first 4 hours. Clearly Expats are willing and want to travel – if the price is right.

The key now is to build some momentum and spread the word further and further. “It really is a win-win for both the local tourist industry and us Expats.” Said Dan Cheeseman, Thaivisa MD, “So it’s important we continue to develop the Expat Explore initiative and ensure, as expats, we continue to get the best deals long after this pandemic is over. We should never again be overlooked and now recognized as an important market for Thailand’s travel industry.”

Thaivisa partners up with local Expat Media ‘Inspire’ to further push the exposure

In order to get maximum exposure for the travel promotions featured on Expat Explore, Thaivisa has agreed with local Expat media ‘Inspire’, which operates in Bangkok, Pattaya and Hua Hin, that they will also share all offers onto their online platform. This includes websites, social networks and newsletters. This adds to their already partnership with Expat Vlogger, Dan about Thailand.

How can business get involved in Expat Explore?

  • Free Promotion

There are a number of options available with the entry point being FREE promotion. Every business that is operating in the travel industry – including restaurants – can send a special promotion (include offer details, terms and conditions, expiry date and one photo) to jonathan@thaivisa.com. This will be featured in the offer section of Expat Explore: https://forum.thaivisa.com/forum/247-travel-for-less-exclusive-offers/.

  • Added Promotion on Thaivisa 5k baht per month

  • Your promotion pinned at the top of the offer section of Expat Explore for added impact
  • Your promotion included in 1 x Thaivisa newsletter each month sent to over 330,000 subscribers
  • Your promotion posted on Thaivisa Facebook Page with 240,000+ followers once per month
  • This will be a rolling contract, so no minimum term you just tell us a before the start of each month if you wish to stop.
  • Added Promotion on Thaivisa, Inspire Bangkok, Pattaya and Hua Hin 7k baht per month

  • Your promotion pinned at the top of the offer section of Expat Explore for added impact
  • Your promotion included in 1 x Thaivisa newsletter each month sent to over 330,000 subscribers
  • Your promotion posted on Thaivisa Facebook Page with 240,000+ followers once per month
  • Your promotion posted once per month on InspirePattaya.com, InspireBangkok.com and InspireHuaHin.com – That’s 3 individual searchable posts per month!
  • Included on one newsletter per month for all 3 regions (Inspire 11k subscribers, Bangkok 15k subscriber and Hua Hin 4k followers)
  • Post shared on all Facebook pages once per month (Inspire Pattaya 55k followers, Inspire Bangkok 25k followers, Inspire Hua Hin 4k followers)
  • This will be a rolling contract, so no minimum term you just tell us a before the start of each month if you wish to stop.

Contact ash@choicegroupasia.com for more information on these super packages.

Reference sites:

Thaivisa Expat Explore: https://forum.thaivisa.com/forum/249-expat-explore/

Dan about Thailand https://danaboutthailand.com

Inspire Bangkok https://inspirebangkok.com/

Inspire Pattaya https://inspirepattaya.com/

Inspire Hua Hin https://inspirehuahin.com/


Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up

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