The one thing I quickly realised on this Dan about Thailand adventure was not only how beautiful the stories are that I can share about Thailand but from the Expats that live here too. We all have a story to share, but for many of us no platform to share it. Well I would like to change that in my own little way.

Everyone has something interesting about them and in some ways it’s a shame that others don’t get to hear it. Whenever I meet another expats and get talking to them I find they have a good back story to how they first arrived in Thailand and what they did before. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if more expats could hear about other expats adventures here in Thailand?

Share your story with others!

Every Expat has a Great Story to Share

Please if you have an interesting story, do get in contact with me as I would love to be able to share it with others. This could be via an interview as a vlog or recorded phone call or maybe you would like to write a blog about your experiences and I can publish for you?

Do contact me and we can share your expat story with other expats!


Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up

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