I have always enjoyed sales and marketing, without this a business cannot launch, it cannot grow. It is the core of a business in my opinion. Developing social pages, be that a business page, group or even your own personal channel needs a similar ethos in order to best optimise and grow it.

Having worked in various sales and marketing roles all my life, including well over a decade in Thailand, I consider this one of my speciality areas. What worked before, does not necessarily work today or in the future and consumers evolve and become smarter to cheap marketing tactics.

It is why I developed Boosted by People which allows business or social pages to collaborate with relevant social users in their area of Thailand to best promote their business or social pages.

Take a look at my vlog below and then click one of the relevant links below to find out more.

Businesses use: www.boostedbypeople.com
Social pages and influencers use: https://boostedbypeople.com/content-creator

Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up

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