I have a very nice position when it comes to working in Thailand as I have offices in both Hua Hin and Pattaya and I actually have 2 work permits allowing me to work in both regions. It, therefore, gives me options for where I choose to locate my family.
Locality-wise you have a somewhat of a triangulation zone between Bangkok, Pattaya and Hua Hin. And with the Pattaya-Hua Hin
My wife and I struggle with where best to based, we have dismissed Bangkok because we have two young kids and I am going to expose them to daily pollution and increasingly smog. It is also far too hectic for young kids.
That then leaves the choice of between Pattaya and Hua Hin, and for now we have settled in Hua Hin.
The larger piece to this story though is in the fact that the 3 regions do not need to act in isolation but, in fact, acting within a zone complement each other very well.
In Hua Hin you have the more sedate, relaxed and gentle town. You are surrounded by lush vegetation and mountainous landscape and have a wonderful far stretching sandy coast line. The air is always clean as there is no industry too – something very important for my kids health. It offers a clean living lifestyle.
Bangkok offers the cosmopolitan vibe and energy. Being a capital city is has an abundance of business opportunity and is very much an area you can make money. I love the rootop bars and elegant dining scene.
And finally the much underrated Pattaya. Pattaya offers an abundance of things to see and do. It is far busier than Hua Hin and full of coaches clogging the streets, but this to one side it’s great. For kids too, you have the biggest indoor play are in Asia, sheep and pony farms, beaches to waterparks and cinemas; and yet I have only scratched the surface here too. If you want to see a more fuller list of everything Pattaya offers to read my post on the subject.
So when my wife and I continually change our minds on where to live I think we are addressing it incorrectly. For the three regions together, rather than isolated, offer a truly rounded and incredible family lifestyle. We can almost live in all three regions at the same time.
Let Dan know where you need help and he will send you recommendations and help you get set up
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