I published an online book a couple of years ago called ‘The Normal Life is a wonderful life (Reject it anyway)’ and it touched on the same thing as my blog today. In fact the very underbelly of all of this is how I force myself to live in order to make the absolute most of my life whilst I still can.

I never really preach any of my views but in this instance and for this one subject I will make the exception – I urge all of you reading to hear me out and see how it could help your life.

Quick Overview of my Position

Let me start with a quick overview of my thinking. You need to first find the way to enjoy your life everyday, if you cannot do that then you have a real issue and you must do all you can to find the solution rather than the excuse. For me it is all about love and having clear goals, both for the moment and the future. Now only when you are happy with things you should then be open to big changes in your life – basically new chapters of your life. Why would you settle for a one dimensional static existence – it is one of the reasons I left the UK, I wanted more from life. How one person can stay in one town all their life is beyond me and its a waste of the opportunity they were handed in having a life.

So why would I change my life if I was happy in Pattaya?

I had lived in Pattaya for almost 12 years and it was bugging me that it was starting to be routine and had already taken a big slug of my life. I really liked – and still like for the record – Pattaya and think the naysayers lack understanding on the region. There is so much to do in the town and also great links to Bangkok, airports and nearby islands – plus don’t forget the tropical climate too! But I was getting comfortable slippers and had started to create too much routine structure. It was a great life, but a little predictable.

To up-heave my family and relocate by contrast was exciting. It was new and would offer me new experiences to what was becoming my daily grind. I loved my work and office in Pattaya but I could still love my work and take on new challenges within my day to day job by shifting areas.

If I were to simply stay in Pattaya the change to my life would not be big enough, I mean what really new would happen in my life if I just stay put. Change is inevitable in life, but I want change on my terms and not forced by life.

Let me put it another way…

I am all to aware of just how short life is and have a burning passion to get the absolute most from it. For me, this comes in two forms: Business and Personal. So in work I have a very creative and challenging job in media in Thailand, so this is great. It allows me to develop and nourish my competitive and creative nature. I also currently have two projects that I am working on that I hope will deliver something fantastic over the next few years. The sum total means the business side of my life if always changing, evolving and developing. I learn most days something new.

Personally it is my family and what I do with my leisure time. It is here that you can break the mold. My peers in the UK don’t understand how restricted they are by society and therefore live a 9 to 5 job with a couple of holidays a year.

Why would you not change your life? Is doing the same thing everyday and living in the same area for most of your life really making the most of your life?

Now I am in Hua Hin I can look forward to the new wonders that will open up. I live in a nice new pool villa, have a new office to base myself, will meet new people and can discover new things in this region. It is energising and it is exciting. Yet again I will learn new cultural local idiosyncrasies and circles.

How would you want your kids to live?

Really, if you have not already guessed, it is the one subject that fires my belly. I want us all to get the best out of life and I see travel and new experiences as pretty fundamental to this. Ask yourself the life you would want your kids to live, would you want them to live a sheltered life, work a 9 to 5 to pay the mortgage and do nothing much more than ‘exist’ – or would you want them to embrace life?

I don’t want my kids to be believe the propaganda the world feeds us and instead live an empowered life full of change and fun. It is one of the reasons I applaud all expats as they at very least found the confidence to leave their domestic countries to try a new life somewhere else.

My closing words, just be careful you don’t get comfortable slippers and remember you only get one shot in life, why waste it?


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