Since I have moved to Hua Hin it feels like some of my colleagues back in Pattaya are jumping to the defence of Pattaya, as if my move away was something personal. A few have even told me that Pattaya is better to live than Hua Hin as it has much more to do. It is all a little odd as the comments are unprompted. I am not precious about which area is better than the other and, to be honest, I don’t even care to have the debate.

I guess many of us become territorial about things, a little like we are with the support of a football team, and feel the need to protect and defend the choices we have made. In this instance, where we decide to live. I enjoyed – and will still enjoy – going back to Pattaya. I love Bangkok and I also love where I live now – Hua Hin. For me that is where the subject starts and finishes, I see no point in defending or seeking one one-upmanship between regions. They are all different and as such offer a new and alternative experience. If you embrace all the regions then you get more out of your time in Thailand.

For me life should be multiple chapters

If you have followed any of my previous blogs you may be detecting a theme, I am obsessed with trying to get the most out of life. Broadly speaking I can split this into three categories:

> Family
> Business
> Leisure

You see, I just don’t want to run out of life having not made the most out of it. With my family and leisure I can see just how quickly my kids are growing up and I want to cherish these moments whilst they are still young. I also want to make sure my wife, kids and I can experience as many new things that we can be that living in new locations, holidays to everyday things and events. For that I need to keep earning more and more money in order to allow this to happen. I am very happy and content with what I have now but also know that the more cash I have then more doors it will open.

With business I want to compete to win, as I love the challenge that comes from being competitive, and I want to innovate and try new things. The media group I head up continues to grow as I continually adapt and keep it relevant to our consumers, this in turn keeps it attractive for advertisers. The plan for 2019 looks awesome and certain products in the group will get a new face lift that is absolutely aligned to the trends. The fact that we are growing in a category that is struggling commercially both locally and internationally is just fantastic.

But my business interests don’t just rest there, I have two new products in the pipeline. One is a gaming, video based app called ‘Ask Away‘ due out in two months and the next is ‘MIA’ which I have very high hopes for – it could revolutionise online advertising, a big claim I know but really, it could. I just need to get the execution right and reach that all important tipping point.

I want to share this with you to show you the passion and appetite I have in life for doing and trying new things. It is why I am in Thailand right now and not my domestic country!

Have a vision or goal

I am very happy with the relocation to Hua Hin, it has forced a change to my routine and I have been stimulated and energised by new scenery and people. My question therefore to others is why not try and force such changes – or chapters – at certain stages of your life?

I have crazy ideas too. In my head I have visualised one day owning Gillingham Football Club in Kent, UK. Probably 20 years ago I first considered this but at the time laughed it off as unrealistic. But over the years I have realised that everything is possible and there are different ways in which you can achieve what you want. It will cost a lot of money, but I am so convinced this will happen that I even feel it. There is no rush, this could be some way off yet. It is almost like the wheels were set in motion when I had a meeting with the chairman of the club not once but twice late last year – firstly in Dubai and then at the clubs stadium in Kent. These meetings were regarding a current work relationship set up between the club and our media and resources here in Thailand. Everything is possible.

Love life and Do More

Sometimes my wife and I laugh at some of the things I do, I have tried plenty of things that failed too but it is crazy fun trying and sure beats just living one chapter of your life. You learn so much along the way too.

I guess the sum total of everything I push myself to do is the essence of this blog. Don’t sit back comfortable with your lot – as this will stop you opening up new exciting discoveries in this world. My move to Hua Hin is certainly my next chapter for now, but is not my last.

Life is too precious and short not to keep moving forward and doing new things.


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